Decorative yellow stroke

Proud to be

BCorp Certified LogoBrown Butterfly FloaterBeautiful Bee

We’re now a Certified B Corporation. Hooray!

Baileys became B Corp certified in October 2022. For us, it’s the ‘proof in the pudding’ of our commitment to treat ourselves, each other, and the planet properly. But what does it really mean?

B Corp Certified logo with two glasses of a Baileys based cocktail in the background

What is a B Corp?

As a certified B Corp, Baileys joins a community of over 5,500 companies across 150+ industries in 80 countries to create a more inclusive, regenerative, equitable economy for people & planet.

The B Corp movement is focused on transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet, building a more resilient and sustainable future for all.

To be certified as a B Corp, Baileys has undergone rigorous verification by B Lab to ensure we’re meeting high standards of social and environmental performance, balancing purpose with profit. We scored 83.6 points in our certification process and are proud to be baking the world a better place one step at a time.

How Baileys Became B Corp Certified:

Attaining B Corp certification is no piece of cake. It requires undertaking an extensive assessment and verification process, meeting the high standards of social and environmental performance, transparently publishing your results publicly and committing to continuous improvement by re-certifying every three years. You can find all the details of our B Corp assessment here. But for now, let us give you an introduction.

B Corp certification covers five key impact areas: Governance, Workers, Community, Environment and Customers.

  • Decorative white frame
    The Diageo Baileys - Nangor House building

    Governance looks at a company’s overall mission and engagement around its social, environmental impact, ethics and transparency. It then makes sure the company can protect its mission while considering all stakeholders in the decision-making process. We thought long and hard about our mission and are proud to have changed our Company Constitution (a legally binding document) to prioritise people and the planet alongside profit. Like our treats, we take our Governance seriously!

    Score: 11.2

  • Decorative cream frame
    A Baileys worker holding a Baileys bottle

    This looks at a company's contributions to its employees’ financial security, health and safety, wellness, career development, engagement, and satisfaction. It also recognises those which have development programmes to support people who may have barriers to employment. Some highlights from our workers application includes the fact that 75% of the Baileys leadership team are female or the 6 months paid family leave we award all parents.

    Score: 29.4

  • Decorative orange frame
    Hands holding Baileys ice cream

    This measures a company’s engagement and impact on the communities it reaches and hires from. We look at diversity, equity and inclusion, economic impact, civic engagement, charitable giving, and supply chain management. Spanning across generations, genders, ethnicities and sexualities, championing pleasure is baked into our DNA. It’s crucial that we nurture talent and invest in communities that need it most.

    Score: 17.4

  • Decorative yellow frame
    Cows grazing in a field

    This looks at a company’s overall environmental management practices as well as its impact on air, climate, water, land, and biodiversity. Since 2008 we’ve run on 100% renewable electricity and by 2030, 100% of packaging will be widely recyclable, reusable, or compostable as well as the many collaborations in implementing more sustainable farming practises through our farmer owned dairy supplier Tirlán. These include supporting innovation in sustainable farming practices across Irish dairy farms that supply the delicious cream for Baileys, including the 2013 Sustainable Cream Initiative and the Sustainable Farming Academy that launched in 2022.

    Score: 21

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    Happy customers and a bottle of Baileys

    This assesses a company’s stewardship of its customers through the quality of its products and services, ethical marketing, data privacy and security, and feedback channels Through programmes promoting responsible drinking and ensuring the highest standard of communications, we’re always working to make treating enjoyable and safe for everyone.

    Score: 4.3

Grazing cows on grass